5 Quick Tips to Improve Your Diet

Improve Your Diet With These Quick Tips

Healing your relationship with food will always be the best place to start toward improving your diet in a sustainable way. I am a HUGE advocate for being kind to yourself, and taking steps to improve your diet at your own pace. Although, sometimes we need a little extra help to kick-start our motivation.


From my experience, until you put in the work to really understand what is holding you back from making healthy choices and sticking to them (that’s where my Wellness Coaching can have HUGE results) there are loads of small, easy do-right-now things, that you can start to include in your weekly meal prepping to kick-start your motivation and improve your diet.

Firstly, the ONE thing I want you to take away from this article gorgeous Mama is to STOP COMPARING! It’s really not helpful is it?

Find what is comfortable and sustainable for you, and be consistent.

1. Eat More – Not Less:

Sounds good right? What I mean is don’t focus on how much you eat, instead, focus on what you eat. Kick restrictions to the curb, don’t restrict yourself to the point of skipping meals.

2. Keep a Food Diary:

Tracking your food intake over a period of 1-2 weeks can give you so good insight as to what foods may be causing you to feel certain ways, and can also give you an indication of what foods you’re not getting enough of. Grab a copy of My Daily Food Diary to start recording your food patterns today!

3. Ditch Processed Food

When planning meals for the week, ask yourself one question – Is it processed? If it is, then how can you turn that meal into a non-processed version? Eliminating as much processed food from your diet can have a HUGE impact.

The sodium content in most processed meats, rolls, bread, cereals and pre-made sauces can be as high as 3-4 times the recommended daily intake for most Australians!

Sometimes it may not be possible for you to completely eliminate processed foods, but by consciously trying to avoid where possible will not only have a positive impact on your diet but you will be on your way to making the choice of non-processed foods a habit.

4. Eliminate sugary drinks

Including soft drinks, flavoured milk, and fruit juices. Swap all beverages for water! Add fruits (berries, citrus fruits, cucumbers, herbs etc) to add a burst of flavour and some extra nutrients.

I like to make up a jug at the start of the day and sip throughout the day. If you’re a coffee drinker, be mindful of the amount of coffee that negates your water intake. For every cup of coffee, you drink, drink twice as much water. If that’s not sustainable, then perhaps look at reducing the number of coffees you have to just 1-2 a day.

5. Have Breakfast

If you know you will struggle to make healthy choices during the day, make breakfast your one meal that is non-negotiable. Include healthy fats (like LSA, Avocado etc.), protein (Eggs, Yoghurt, Peanut Butter) and lots of fiber (fruits and whole grain cereals).

This will set you up for the day to resist reaching for the sugary snacks mid-morning and will lessen the impact of a less than ideal lunch. I aim to have the same thing for breakfast each day, that way I know exactly what I’m having and it takes the guesswork out of it for me with two kids that I also have to feed. If I have too many choices, I tend to get overwhelmed and skip meals.

Arm yourself with as many healthy snack options as possible! Some of my go-to options include:

  • Almonds and cashews
  • Strawberries
  • Protein balls (I love to make my own when I have the time, alternatively I enjoy this brand Tasti).
  • Dark Chocolate (2 squares (ish) My fave at the moment is Loving Earth
  • Smoothies

To prevent overwhelm, aim for small but consistent changes by setting yourself small but very achievable goals.

If you would like help achieving your wellness goals, then take advantage of my 1 hour completely free, clarity call where you get to chat about what it is you want to achieve and if we are the right fit for each other.